Shopping spree

Yesterday I went on a shopping spree. Not a very big one but still, a shopping spree! Thomas had managed to loose his cell phone (while drunk, I might add) but we had already planned to get him a new one anyway so went out to Media Markt (my workplace) and soon found someone that is decent enough for someone that only use it for calls and text messages. Sony Ericsson w302.  Me, I got a Sony Ericsson w200i that will do for another year or so, I am also the kind to only use it for phone calls and text messages and maybe an audio book sometimes.

Then it was time for my part of the shopping, I was on the hunt for a new camera. Chatting a bit with one of the girls at work I soon realised what camera I want. I was looking at camera A, but I could get the better camera B for same price, and that included camera case and memory so the choice was not even all that hard. Employe discount is really nice things. So this is what I bought:

Panasonic DMC-FS62. It is all blue and shiny and pretty. I was looking at the red one at start, but I am very happy with the blue one, I am in love with it already. I am even pondering naming it (suggestions please?. You also see the very cute camera case I bought for it, very good since this camera I will bring with me pretty much all the time.

Today we went on a little walk up to ÖB (low price store) to buy some new Dove shampo and other things. I brought my dear little camera but of course it was all gloomy and cloudy and a raingrey town is not all that fun to take photos of but I took photos anyway, need to use my blue little toy.

First picture is of the open grass area at the end of our street. A very nice place for sun bathing on less cloudy days.

Then we have a syringa that was just so pretty I had to take a picture of it. Love the flower, hate the smell.

Last one is during the walk up to ÖB, I almost thought it would start to raid with those dark clouds above. But we were lucky and the only water that touched us blew down from a tree.

Time for me to prepare food, enchilladas today. Perhaps more of a friday food really, but on friday it is crayfish time!

Over and out


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