My husband is very much in love with american pancakes, but I have never been happy with the ones I have made. They just havent been fluffy. But then I got a brilliant idea, getting the recipe from an american! I know, its just the best idea ever, I wonder why I didn't think about it earlier.
So thanks to Amanda (whom I met on FarmTown, go go Facebook) I got a new recipe and today I tried it out. And oh my, there were fluffy indeed. We thought for a long time what to serve them with, Amanda suggested bacon and syrup but now that's just a bit too american for me. So we went for syrup and nuts. And it was yummy!
So thank you Amanda for this recipe! It was amazing! Who knows, sooner or later I might even try it with bacon!
Heading out soon, off with mother to the cinema to watch the swedish comedy Sommaren med Göran. And maybe a glass of wine or two after. Tomorrow I work, long day. This weekend is the final days of Media Markts 30 anniversary so we are expecting alot of costumers. That will be loads of fun, it is much nicer to work when you got something to do.
Over and out
So thanks to Amanda (whom I met on FarmTown, go go Facebook) I got a new recipe and today I tried it out. And oh my, there were fluffy indeed. We thought for a long time what to serve them with, Amanda suggested bacon and syrup but now that's just a bit too american for me. So we went for syrup and nuts. And it was yummy!
So thank you Amanda for this recipe! It was amazing! Who knows, sooner or later I might even try it with bacon!
Heading out soon, off with mother to the cinema to watch the swedish comedy Sommaren med Göran. And maybe a glass of wine or two after. Tomorrow I work, long day. This weekend is the final days of Media Markts 30 anniversary so we are expecting alot of costumers. That will be loads of fun, it is much nicer to work when you got something to do.
Over and out